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This is a terrible decision which goes against everything promised in the Neighbourhood Plan for investment in retail and leisure… Susan Cooper
This is wonderful news! When is the canal forecasted to be operational? I would love to see it working before… Patrick young
Lichfield Lad/John C, totally agree. Heseltine tried in 1974 and again in the 1990s but the Conservative Turkey's would not… RFW
They’ve misunderstood the government’s deal. Labour’s devolution plan aims to reform local government, which is much needed. Cllr White is… Lichfield Lad
Great news! Please remember that the store is there to reduce food waste – and customers get ridiculous bargains as… Steven Norman
When someones assets fall below £23,250 they are entitled to help from Staffordshire County Council but their highest payment for… Steven Norman
As usual Councillor Evans talks sense on behalf of the local community and Derek Cross has neither connection nor care… Robert Birch
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