Here’s a new job that might be right up your street – Lichfield needs a new town crier.

Now I’m not too sure what the qualifications are, but this is one tradition which I’m all for keeping (unlike the Bower Queen).

If Lichfield fancies itself as a historic city then a town crier is a must.

But just who could we get to ring the bell and call us all to order?

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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15 years ago

My mum’s good friends with Lonza, the existing Crier. Maybe I should apply for the position!

15 years ago

Do I sense a reality TV show in the making?

“Lichfields Next Top Crier”

“Bell Factor”

Ummmm That was poor I apologise.

Philip John
15 years ago

I’ve never been fond of town criers… no idea why! Maybe I had a back experience as a child and blocked it out of my memory.

Anyway… go for it! Why not!