Ethel and Keith Hawes with their new slippers
Ethel and Keith Hawes with their new slippers

The organisers of a scheme that gave out slippers to people in Lichfield who were at risk of tripping over their old footwear are celebrating after receiving the news that they have handed out over 1,000 pairs of slippers.

The Sloppy Slippers campaign was promoted at a variety of events in and around Lichfield. Funded by Lichfield District Council, HomeZone Living and Staffordshire County Council, the four events also saw organisers talk to people about usefule services and offer a host of fun activities such as hand and arm massage, Tai Chi, belly dancing and flower arranging.

Lucie Broad, Community Development Worker for Lichfield District Council, said:

“We received lots of great feedback about the events and we’re all thrilled they proved so popular. Local people commented on how great the atmosphere was and how much they appreciated the chance to catch up with old friends and meet new people.  

“These events were only possible through the huge group effort of the agencies involved, and I would like to thank everyone for their support. Special thanks must go to Burntwood and Lichfield Live at Home schemes, Armitage District Nurses, Home Care Social Service, Oakdene Day Centre, Fazeley and District Initiative and the Older People’s Forum who helped us to hand out the slippers and make the campaign such a success.”

Seventeen organisations were involved in the Sloppy Slippers campaign, including Lichfield District Council, HomeZone Living, Live at Home Schemes, South Staffs Age Concern, North Lichfield Initiative, Staffordshire  Police, Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service and South Staffordshire College.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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LichfieldBlog (Lichfield Blog)
15 years ago

morning all. Campaign sees 1,000 pair of slippers given out:

Steve T
15 years ago

Good grief.

Why is all this being funded at taxpayers’ expense? Hand and arm massages? Tai Chi? Belly dancing and flower arranging? And just how does it take seventeen – SEVENTEEN – bodies to administer this crap?! Give me a break. I wonder how many people realise that the Sloppy Slippers programme alone costs in the region of £250,000. We all have the Department of Health CSIP Care Services Improvement Partnership Health and Social Care Change Agent Team (no really) to thank for that…

Bring back the good old days when local government would limit itself to maintaining roads, collecting rubbish and funding schools. It can’t even get that right anymore.