A report has urged councillors to approve a proposal for a new housing estate in Lichfield.
Miller Homes hopes to create the 352 home development on land in Streethay.
Local residents have fought a lengthy battle to prevent the development.
Fradley and Streethay Parish Council have also objected to the proposals, questioning the impact of the new estate which will be accessed from the Burton Road.
However, a council officer’s report to a meeting of the planning committee next week says that the junctions will be suitable to cope with an increase in traffic.
“These concerns are noted and it is accepted that the development will result in more vehicular traffic in Streethay and beyond,” the report said.
“However, at the outline stage both the Highways Agency and Staffordshire County Council were satisfied that, subject to suitable junction design and the off-site measures being put into place, that the traffic generated will not result in increased traffic delays or increased danger for users of the highway.”
More than 70% of the homes on the development would be three bedrooms or more, with 26 one-bed and 75 two-bed properties.
Although the smaller properties are below those originally proposed, council officer said future developments on the site would provide balance.
“The proposed mix for this phase does not fully confirm with the approved dwelling mix that was agreed,” the report added. “It is, however, important to to note that the overall mix for the entire site must comply with the approved mix.
“While a greater proportion of three-bed and four-plus-bed properties is provided in phase one, this will have an implication on the further phases of the develpment where a greater proportion of one-bed and two-bed properties must be delivered.”
The report will be discussed at a meeting of Lichfield District Council’s planning committee on Monday (June 22).