Three new machines are joining the war on potholes in Lichfield and Burntwood.
Staffordshire County Council is rolling out the recently acquired technology as part a plan to speed up repairs.
It comes after the authority was awarded £1million from the Department for Transport to help manage the problem of potholes and defects in the roads.
One patching machine has now been purchased with another two hired to help smooth out problem surfaces.
Cllr Mark Deaville, Staffordshire County Council’s Cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “By investing in the very latest technology we have a less labour intensive and more cost-effective way of repairing potholes more quickly.
“We do need to use a range of techniques depending on the size of the pothole, location and condition of the roads and the purchase of the Roadmaster is part of our overall plan to manage the maintenance of our 6,400km with the budget we have available and against other spending priorities for the council.
“During good weather crews are now fixing around 350 potholes every week. In addition to this, we are also improving the lifespan of our roads by surface dressing 350km of carriageway this year.”
The new 18-tonne machines allow potholes to be filled and sealed remotely without refilling through the day.
Pothole repairs are carried out on a priority basis depending on the risk they pose.
Cllr Deaville added: “Our crews take a practical common sense approach, fixing urgent potholes first, grouping repairs together where possible and managing traffic to get the work done with as minimum disruption as possible.
“The good news is that we are fixing priority potholes more quickly, but with a network the sheer size of Staffordshire this is of course an ongoing challenge and is why as a council we want to focus more on approach which will reduce the number of potholes appearing.”