New plans have been submitted to build 33 apartments on the site of offices in Lichfield.

An artist's impression of the proposed development
An artist’s impression of the proposed development

An earlier application for 18 one bedroom and 15 two bedroom properties at Shire House on Birmingham Road were rejected due to the proposals being “out of character” and considered an overdevelopment on the land.

But developers have now put forward a new application – this time for 17 one bedroom and 16 two bedroom apartments.

New visuals for the scheme show a change in materials being proposed for the outside of the block.

Shire House. Picture: Google Streetview
Shire House. Picture: Google Streetview

A planning statement said:

“The reasons for refusal specifically relate to the height, scale and massing of the proposed development, the alleged impact of the scheme on the setting and significance of heritage assets, the alleged overdevelopment of the site and the alleged lack of outdoor amenity space.

“The current application seeks to address these reasons for refusal.

“The design and external appearance of the building, including the use of facing materials, has been revised and further consideration given to the outdoor amenity areas.”

Planning statement

Full details of the new proposals are available on Lichfield District Council’s planning website.

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Kerry Ball
3 years ago

What is Lichfield becoming?A Concrete jungle a city full of flats,everywhere you turn there are more being put up.Very sad

3 years ago

Well the “alleged” over development of the site is unchanged. If the ‘artists impression’ is anything to go by then it is an ugly box with no redeeming features.
Come on LDC, surely someone on the committee has a sense of taste. Be consistent and refuse this application for the sound reasoning you did before.

Clare Sholl
3 years ago

Always good to see a brownfield site being put to good use instead of farmers’ fields being built on. But what a missed opportunity to encourage development more in keeping with Lichfield’s Georgian heritage! Personally, I would take the developers down the road to Sainte Foy Avenue and show them the apartments there. Not quite the Royal Crescent in Bath, but so much better than what is being proposed here. It takes 5 years to study for a degree in architecture – surely they can do better than a bland, characterless box!

Andrew Carmichael
3 years ago

I have reservations about any proposed development where the artist’s impression shown someone riding their bike on the pavement. And what is it about people who want to live behind railings?