Two new arts networks have been launched to serve Lichfield and Burntwood.

The Lichfield and Burntwood Dance Network and Lichfield and Burntwood Theatre Performing Arts Network have both been set up by The Hub at St Mary’s.


They have been created as part of a response to the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the arts.

A spokesperson said:

“Anyone wanting to get involved in the local performing arts or dance scene will be able to link up with other like-minded people.

“By gathering this information in one place, the networks will also identify any gaps in local provision, so that they can look at generating new and exciting opportunities within our local community.

“This could be performance projects to take part in, opportunities for professional development, building on existing skills or exploring new ways of working creatively – it all depends on who we find and what they’d like to see and do.”

The Hub at St Mary’s spokesperson

For more details, visit The Hub at St Mary’s website.