The runners and riders for the forthcoming local elections in Lichfield and Burntwood have been unveiled.

Polling Station sign

Members of Staffordshire County Council will be elected on 6th May, with the Summerfield and All Saints Lichfield District Council ward also being contested in a by-election.

Lichfield City Council will have a by-election for the Stowe ward, while the new Staffordshire Commissioner will also be decided when voters go to the polls next month.

Staffordshire County Council:

Burntwood North

  • Jamie Christie (Liberal Democrats)
  • Thomas Loughbrough Rudd (Conservatives)
  • Sue Woodward (Labour)

Burntwood South

  • Darren Ennis (Labour)
  • John Paul Taylor (Liberal Democrats)
  • Mike Wilcox (Conservatives)

Lichfield City North

  • Kathy Coe MBE (Labour)
  • John Madden (Independent)
  • Stephen Sanders (Green Party)
  • Janice Silvester-Hall (Conservatives)
  • Miles Trent (Liberal Democrats)
  • Christopher Wilkinson (Independent)

Lichfield City South

  • Hugh Ashton (Liberal Democrats)
  • Paul Ecclestone-Brown (Green Party)
  • Colin Greatorex (Conservatives)
  • Ann Hughes (Labour)

Lichfield Rural East

Phillip Bennion (Liberal Democrats)
Lorna McGinty (Labour)
Alan White (Conservatives)

Lichfield Rural North

  • Janet Eagland (Conservatives)
  • Peter Longman (Independent)
  • Paul McDermott (Liberal Democrats)
  • Simon Partridge (Green Party
  • David Whatton (Labour)

Lichfield Rural South

  • David Smith (Conservatives)
  • John Smith (Liberal Democrats)
  • Brad Westwood (Labour)

Lichfield Rural West

  • Richard Cox (Conservatives)
  • Janet Higgins (UKIP)
  • Mark Pritchard (Labour)
  • Fiona Robertson (Liberal Democrats)

Lichfield District Council Summerfield and All Saints by-election:

  • Michael Galvin (Labour)
  • John Paul Taylor (Liberal Democrats)
  • Eileen Heather Tranter (Conservatives)

Lichfield City Council Stowe ward by-election:

  • Lottie Harrington (Labour)
  • Bob Harrison (Conservatives)
  • Richard Henshaw (Liberal Democrats)
  • John Madden (Independent)
  • Stephen Sanders (Green Party)
  • Christopher Wilkinson (Independent)

Staffordshire Commissioner:

  • Ben Adams (Conservatives)
  • Deneice Florence-Jukes (Independent)
  • Tony Kearon (Labour and Co-operative)
  • Michael Riley (Reform UK)
  • Richard Whelan (Liberal Democrats)
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3 years ago

I couldn’t care less as long as their not conservatives

3 years ago

Vote Conservative or you will get a candidate who couldn’t care less.

3 years ago

Given how much green space the council seems determined to cover with houses, maybe it’s time to vote Green Party to protect the parks, fields and woodlands that have kept us sane during the pandemic.

Alastair Boyle
3 years ago

Just remember who has endorsed the ‘Local Plan’ for Lichfield District, and to what extent they support Staffordshire County Council’s road building schemes. Consider where they stand on Lichfield’s future as a ‘Logistics Hub’ or not before you cast your vote.

3 years ago

I couldn’t care less, as long as it’s not a labour candidate.

3 years ago

I do not remember any candidate stating:

I will ensure the current library is shut down.
I will ensure we spend millions on consultants.
I will ensure that Friarsgate is a never ending money pit.
I will ensure every blade of grass is built on.
I will ensure schools are overflowing.

That is what we get in the end.

John madden candidate
3 years ago

I CARE about lichfield folk
Looking forwards politely independents may be a answer for not being led by national parties after the sad passing of our lovley duke there will be a short suspension please contact me
With questions soon after
I care and value your votes
God bless our queen.
John Madden

3 years ago

@GFI – “I couldn’t care less as long as their not conservatives”
@TFD – “I couldn’t care less, as long as it’s not a labour candidate.”
So both of you do care? If you didn’t you wouldn’t comment.

3 years ago

It’s time Lichfield moved away from ,political party motivated candidates and supported the independents ,without hidden agendas ,time to look after Lichfield it’s heritage and greenbelt .
I’ve lived in Lichfield all my life and in the last 30 years I’ve seen it gradually expand and grow in to something unrecognisable .
Some utterly contemptible decisions starting with the destrution of the old post office building ,essential to young musicians ,replaced by Ego ,it’s in the name and then the demolition of the original Garic to make way for the vanity project and money pit the New Garick enhance what Lichfield has ,don’t destroy it.

Asellus aquaticus
3 years ago

@ Gfi How do you know the independents don’t have hidden agendas? If they’re hidden?

3 years ago

Each elected representative should have their personal stated commitments prominently displayed on a notice board outside the Guild Hall for the duration of their term of office. There should also be a declaration of their stance on all major issues under their jurisdiction. Housing, schools, health, heritage, infrastructure, sport facilities, the green belt etc. etc.
This would be a yardstick to judge the veracity of their pre- election pledges. And, just maybe, get us better representation. A separate joint party statement could also be included.

3 years ago

Voting for Conservatives.

Asellus aquaticus
3 years ago

A further comment about people getting knotted up about party political affiliations and local candidates at parish council level. I’m not a Tory voter by inclination, but in the Lichfield City Council Stowe ward by-election, the Conservative candidate is Bob Harrison who is the man behind Lichfield Litter Legends.

Just leaving that there.

3 years ago

Well done to the Green Party once again for fielding candidates. The only hope in such an unsettled and uncertain future.

Original Mercian
3 years ago

Another First Past the Post election ensuring that the council makeup does not reflect the true wishes of the people of Staffordshire. Under Proportional Representation the current council would comprise about 32 Conservative councillors (51), Labour 17 councillors (10),UKIP 4 (0), Lib Dems 3 (0), Greens 3 (0). Figures in brackets are the current numbers. Getting councillors to change the electoral system will be a bit like turkeys voting for Christmas.

3 years ago

I have always been a devoted conservative, but after listening to and watching the brainless antics of our present LDC , I shall never feel inclined to vote for them ever again. They are pathetic to say the least. Good luck the Green Party!

Dave morris
3 years ago

you can never get Democracy under first past the post system. END OF

3 years ago

We voted on proportional representation, and thankfully the people voted against it. Obviously, this used the “first past the post system” or else there’d be a liberal fudge and nothing conclusive would ever be ascertained…