The works taking place near Watery Lane
The works taking place near Watery Lane

Residents and businesses are being warned that delays will continue after a roadworks scheme in Lichfield was extended.

The closure of Watery Lane had been due to end in the coming days after months of disruption.

But South Staffs Water has now confirmed that the works have been delayed and will now not end until 3rd December.

In a letter to locals, the company said:

“We have been carrying out works to divert our twin water mains on Watery Lane since mid-May 2023 and these works are being completed as part of our obligations to divert our assets where required to enable new developments.

“We had expected to complete our works and remove the road closure by 26th November, however we have had to extend this to 3rd December.

“We do not take the decision lightly and we want to complete the works as soon as we can, however we have had to delay the expected completion date to ensure that we can carry out the preparatory steps to safeguard the introduction of the diverted assets into our live network with the most seamless transition which in turn protects the supply of water to all of the customers who are supplied from this water main.

“Please be assured that we will complete these works and remove the traffic management as quickly as we can but thanks again for your patience and cooperation.”

South Staffs Water spokesperson

The extended road closure was confirmed just days after one business told Lichfield Live that they were relieved the works would be completed before their main festive trading period begins.

Lichfield Garden Centre, based at Curborough Countryside Centre, will take delivery of hundreds of real Christmas trees this weekend.

But in a statement, the company said that they had received no official warning of the ongoing delays – and questioned whether the works would even be completed by the newly-revised date.

“Unfortunately – and very frustratingly – the water mains works on Watery Lane have been delayed.

“The latest finishing date we have is now 3rd December – we were unaware of any problems until the date on the yellow sign was changed.

“Despite assurances the work was on track, we can see from pictures that it’s clearly not finished.”

Lichfield Garden Centre spokesperson

Despite the ongoing roadworks which mean their premises can only be accessed via Wood End Lane, the garden centre says it will go ahead with the first of its planned mulled wine and mince pie events this weekend as residents begin to pick up their Christmas trees from Saturday (25th November).

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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1 year ago

Brilliant! You can close everything…A38…Watery lane…Netherstowe lane…Lichfield in lockdown forever..delay…delay

Jolly Roger
1 year ago

So, will South Staffs Water compensate the businesses at Curborough for the continued loss of business? Will the residents who have to make a long detour to get into Lichfield to shop, or go to the doctors, get help? Almost certainly no to both. And once Watery Lane re-opens the house building will really get started, with all the heavy lorries and associated traffic clogging up the narrow lane. Oh, the joys of living in Lichfield.

Lizzie Bee
1 year ago

Just hope the businesses at Curborough Craft Centre are being compensated for the loss of business. I would often go for lunch at Thyme Cafe. But haven’t been since these works started. Takes too longer to get there now. Bet I’m not the only one 😡😡

Jolly Roger
1 year ago

So, I’ve just had a look at the state of play along Watery Lane. No one actually working, still a massive hole, and what seems like a lot of work still to do. Plenty of hard hats standing around talking. No way that is going to be open by the 3rd of December. So, here’s an idea. As the works have seriously overrun can South Staffs Water be fined? Then, donate the fine money to the businesses at Curborough Craft Centre to go some way to mitigate the financial impact this closure has had on their trade.

Jolly Roger
1 year ago

My apologies to South Staffs Water, Watery Lane has indeed re-opened on the 3rd. Now, if the Council could fill the potholes in, that would be very nice.

1 year ago

There are S278 works just announced that appear to close Watery Land again from Jan through end March. Does anyone know whether it is a full closure or can the garden centre etc still be accessed?
I really feel for these businesses – its hard enough to make a living without the local authority consipiring to make it impossible to get to you!

Victor M
1 year ago

Yes, further closure seems like it’s from Eastern Avenue to the garden centre I assume and possibly until the end of May!

Jolly Roger
1 year ago

Unbelievable. I feel so sorry for the traders at Curborough. Does anyone at the County Council care one jot for residents and business owners? It would appear not. All because of the need to provide utilities for ‘Curborough Lakes’, a development that wasn’t wanted in the first place. I hope the residents of Watery Lane will get a reduction in their Council tax, as if.