Bruce Willis as John McClane in Die Hard
Bruce Willis as John McClane in Die Hard

People are being invited to join a record attempt at Chasewater this weekend.

Parkrun members will be hoping to set an unofficial world record for the most people dressed as Die Hard character John McClane to complete a 5km run.

The runners will be giving it their best “yippee ki yay” as they head off at 9am tomorrow (23rd December).

A spokesperson said:

“Parkrun is a free, weekly event that takes place every Saturday at venues around the world.

“Participants can run, jog or walk a 5km – it’s not a race and it’s the participation that counts.

“At Chasewater we make a real effort to put on events when we can. We have an annual Halloween costume run and we are planning a Wizard of Oz themed costume event for Pride 2024.”

Parkrun Chasewater spokesperson

Runners are asked to arrive at the Innovation Centre at Chasewater by 8.40am for a picture of all the John McClane’s together.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.