A woman doing sign language for another person
Picture: RNID

People across Lichfield and Burntwood are being encouraged to sign up as a volunteer or a charity helping those who are deaf and hearing impaired.

RNID is encouraging individuals looking to make a New Year resolution to take up the challenge of supporting them.

Jackie White, the charity’s director, said:

“Last year, our volunteers gave more than 9,000 hours of their time to support people in their communities with practical information and essential hearing aid care – but with one in five adults in the UK being deaf or having hearing loss or tinnitus, there is much more to do to make sure everyone in the UK gets support. 

“Volunteering for RNID could involve providing information to local organisations and community groups, helping people get the most out of their hearing aids, or giving a friendly welcome to everyone who passes through the door at one of our support sessions.  

“Many of our volunteers have hearing loss themselves or in their family, and volunteering with us is a great way to meet new people, gain new skills and experience, and help people in your community.”

Jackie White, RNID

People can find out more about volunteering opportunities with RNID by visiting rnid.org.uk/join or calling 0808 808 0123.  

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.