Maple Hayes Dyslexia School
Maple Hayes Dyslexia School

An information day to help parents of children with dyslexia is being held at a Lichfield School.

The event, which is being held in conjunction with Maple Hayes School and HCB Solicitors, will be a chance for parents to find out about how they get Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision for their children and help them along the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process.

It will take place between 11.30am and 3pm at the Abnalls Lane specialist dyslexia school on 9th March.

The workshop will be aimed at parents of children at primary schools who are having difficulty in attaining appropriate provision.

Maple Hayes School co-principal, Dr Daryl Brown, said:

“It is so important for parents of children with learning difficulties to know their legal rights.

“We understand that the SEN system is extremely complex and confusing. These solicitors will help worried or confused parents navigate through the process.”

Dr Daryl Brown

For more details and for tickets, click here

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