Bore Street
Bore Street. Picture: Alex Davidson

The impact of a controversial pedestrianisation scheme in Lichfield will be discussed by councillors this week.

An experimental traffic regulation order has been introduced on a number of city centre streets, with the trial running until August.

Changes have already been made following feedback from visitors and businesses, with the restrictions amended so that blue badge holders can now drive through the city centre in order to park on Bore Street.

But some measures have remained including a complete ban on taxis at any time.

Members of Lichfield District Council’s overview and scrutiny committee will discuss the findings of a task group which heard from those impacted by the changes at a meeting tomorrow (3rd April).

A report said:

“The witnesses [who spoke to the task group] were most concerned with what they perceived as discrimination against people with disabilities and particularly blue badge holders.

“The communication on what was and was not allowed as part of the pedestrianisation trial was highlighted as inadequate and seemed only to be available to those able to use digital means.”

Task group report

The task group said support had been received for plans to create designated drop-off spaces within the pedestrianised area.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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Ken H
9 months ago

Why wasn’t this done before the scheme even started,
Save all the problems and cost, parking signs put up then taken down, maned barriers etc.
Someone arriving by train can’t access the area by taxi.
It will be like the multistorey car park, when it’s gone, it will be no use saying it was needed.
The Friary multistorey car park probably gets less use.

9 months ago

It would have been a bit tricky to assess the impact of something that hadn’t happened yet.

Lin Ausden
9 months ago

Completely pedestrianise or don’t, that’s the only decision that needs making 😊half and half will not work.

9 months ago

Pedestrianise it entirely……….

Or, don’t.

I know which one I prefer, but I shan’t say as it will provoke half of those with an opinion.

And therein lies the problem. Pedestrianising entirely, or not, will upset a great deal of people. Anywhere in between risks simply making a mess and resulting in no-one being happy.

A rare example of compromise and middle ground being a poor option?

Carl Sholl
9 months ago

Disabled parking is now a major issue for Lichfield. I have seen a big increase in disabled drivers parking on double yellow lines, particularly near the Garrick, creating potential access problems for emergency vehicles or coaches bringing visitors to the theatre. One solution might be to greatly increase disabled parking in the Birmingham Road multi-storey, e.g. by making the whole ground floor parking for disabled drivers and people with young children. It’s insane that the Council is planning to demolish this car park. And the new prohibitive short-term parking charges are driving shoppers away. These charges need to be put back to what they were before, or it should be made a long-stay car park, where the charges are much cheaper for anything over one hour; and one hour is much too short for most shopping trips. It would make more sense for the smaller bus station car park to be made short-stay for anyone staying less than an hour.

9 months ago

Lichfield is ringed by parking, and the centre is tiny. You’re never more than 200 yards from a parking spot in the centre.

If a couple of businesses that are not even disabled access friendly themselves and a few out of towners that think our City is a place to park their damn cars can stop something that makes the lives of the vast majority better – well democracy is broken.

9 months ago

Can’t believe the council don’t they want people to come to Lichfield bad enough having to put up with so many road closures to even get into town now even less parking and no taxi allowed how many more problems are you going to make for everyone. For the folks who want to go out for a nice meal and have a taxi home but know you say no taxis who in there right mind wants to walk around Lichfield in the dark and cold after a lovely evening out to where you might have found a parking space

Paul Linford
9 months ago

How much is the security at the entrance to the high St costing per day?

9 months ago

I was in Lichfield yesterday and I stood by the pedestrianisation entrance with the security guy standing by his “barrier”. He proceeded to wave three cars through with no security checks whatsoever. It’s a laugh, it needs to be completely pedestrianised or don’t bother at all.

Gail Doolan
9 months ago

Agree with Jimmy we have ample parking available and with such easy access to shops bars and restaurants. Heaven forbid you have to walk 200 yds to take a taxi home. Unbelievable some people’s sense of entitlement.

John patrick madden i live Saint johns ward
9 months ago

Sadly a mess Now worse footfall for business down turn sales and the mature generation are bullied being scared off I love our Lichfield City no need for security firms profiting
From council tax payers Time to reflect politley

9 months ago

God this lot are slow.

Ian Price
9 months ago

I feel sorry for the poor guys that have to stand out in all weathers and take abuse from drivers who aren’t allowed through.
We need a rising bollard system, as they have in Tamworth.
Bird Street is a joke. A barrier at the end, but drivers can still access through Sandford Street.
Cars come through continually and some quite quickly. In the evening, its a free carpark.
I’m all for pedestrianisation, but it will never work unless its properly enforced.

9 months ago

it’s ok saying that disabled parking is available around Lichfield and is a short walk – BUT – we (Lichfield Sinfonia) play our concerts mainly in Lichfield Guildhall. Last concert several of our members relatives either had real problems accessing the hall, or were unable to do so because they could not be unloaded in their wheelchair outside the Guildhall. There is VERY limited access to the Guildhall via their back door which is not wheelchair friendly. Access to The Hub must be similarly difficult

Having blue parking permit access during the evenings at least means that disabled people can access the same venues as the rest of us – particularly in the middle of the winter when there is no-one sitting out in the street cafes.

9 months ago

Can someone tell me why there are security guards at either end of the city centre policing the traffic? This was not part of the ‘experiment’ so how can the scheme be judged a success or not? Have the cameras stopped working (did they ever work in the first place)? How much is it costing for these security guys? And how many fines have been issued during the trial?

R Appleby
9 months ago

Could somebody tell me in layman’s terms. The details of the so called Predestination of Lichfield city centre? As I was walking around Thursday and all I saw was cars using it to park,not all blue badge owners. I asked the security at the entrance she said only cars with blue badges and people dropping off or picking up were allowed. Didn’t see any of that. Either it’s pedestrianised or it isn’t. !!!

John Allen
9 months ago

I am not a big fan of cars. There are far too many of them on our roads, bringing the main roads to a standstill and littering the sidestreets. However, for a section of the community, the disabled, they can make possible the access to facilities that the rest of the population take for granted. A balance therefore needs to be struck between limiting traffic whilst not discriminating against those with mobility issues. To those who demand full pedestrianisation, you are fortunate to enjoy this, but one day you may need disabled access, which may no longer exist. The council have tinkered with this for some time, when the original system worked well. Remember that the removal of disabled bays was originally justified to help social distancing during the pandemic, which hasn’t been an issue for three and a half years.