The plot of land alongside 38 Ferndale Close
Plans for a new property to be built on land in Burntwood have been refused. Picture: Google Streetview

Plans for a new property to be built on land in Burntwood have been refused.

The development had been proposed for a plot alongside 38 Ferndale Close.

But planning chiefs have refused permission. A decision notice said:

“The application site is within an area with a defined character with established spacing between them providing an open aspect and green spaces. The scale of the development in terms of its size and siting pays no regard to this site context and as such would result in a visually cramped form of development which would have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area and street scene.

“The proposed internal floor area and external private amenity space provision is considered insufficient in relation to the proposed occupancy level.”

Planning decision notice

Full details can be seen on Lichfield District Council’s planning website.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.