The London Road in Lichfield. Picture: Google Streetview
The London Road in Lichfield. Picture: Google Streetview

Plans for the creation of a junction to serve part of a major new development in Lichfield have been approved.

The land between Cricket Lane, London Road and the A38 will be used for hundreds of new homes, as well as the creation of new industrial units.

The new junction will serve the latter part of the scheme with traffic lights being introduced to enable vehicles to enter and exit the site.

A planning statement said:

“The proposed development comprises the removal of 181 metres of hedgerow, hedgerow replanting comprising of 157 metres and ground preparation works, as well as the creation of a new signalised junction arrangement, together with carriageway widening to London Road and a new right-hand turn lane for vehicles turning into the site approaching from Swinfen Island.”

Planning statement

The works will also see creation and upgrading of existing footpaths on the northern side of London Road.

Full details of the proposals can be seen on Lichfield District Council’s planning website.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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8 months ago

Another set of traffic lights! Just what london road needs. Remind me what the “bypass” is bypassing???

8 months ago

I glad l didn’t get the property was after 2008 in Lichfield, and ended up in one the outer villages. I would be moving now if l had done. I don’t recognise the Lichfield l knew anymore. My advice for anyone who wants a nice area to live in, don’t buy in areas near dual carriageways.

Lichfield derby duck
8 months ago

Just a thought. The new relief road (well, what I thought was supposed to be a relief road….) which runs across from Birmingham Road to join London Road. I couldn’t quite believe when it was being constructed how ridiculously close that junction is on London Road to the main Shortbutts Lane / Tamworth Road junction / lights. That was always going to be a bottleneck – anyone with 1/2 brain would see that. The main Shortbutts Lane junction road surface is already getting carved up by vehicles – especially the artic-lorries – which have to almost turn back on themselves around the corner if heading towards Tamworth from London Road. What on earth will all the extra traffic do to the congestion here, and indeed the road surfaces? We already need (another) relief road to relieve the relief road in this area, what a waste of tax payers money!!!!

8 months ago

Lichfield is being destroyed by these new homes being built on the old ‘ green belt’ land. Watery lane is just another example, and Bradley,, they are destroying WW2 buildings up there !!! Fabricant doesn’t care ! I RAISED THE POINT WITH HIM a few yrs back

8 months ago

I seem to remember Sir Michael’s 2019 election leaflet saying he was to work to stop uncontrolled housebuilding.

Would he like to comment on how this commitment is going?

8 months ago

This makes me feel sick. With all housing that has been built in Lichfield, in last 8 years already!!! Lichfield needs to be renamed to Lich. It really does sadden me, the poor environment.

8 months ago

@Dale….funny you say that – i found copy of the same flier recently as I was clearing out my garage! I wish I’d kept it.

You’re absolutely right – he promised to get control of housing projects and STOP these massive housing developments being thrown up all over Lichfield.

So – what happened? Regardless of whether we need housing etc., it was a promise Fabricant made…..and has not delivered on.

I’ll be raising this and all his other broken promises when and if he dares to actually canvass on my road.

So far, all we have to show for 5 more years of voting for Michael has been Lichfield rivers full of raw sewage, Lichfield becoming a concrete jungle, highest ever tax burden, NHS that’s is broken, and immigration numbers out of control.

We simply can’t risk another 5 years more of this.

8 months ago

Part of the council debate concerned the preservation of the “Roman Hedge”. I supposd like all things District Council this is now just being ignored. I wonder why they debate anything, they might just as well leave it to the planners.
The traffic island by the Shell garage is already a nightmare. Multiple traffic lights, a lottery turn over the canal with limited sightline and a turn off the ‘bypass’? into Tamworth Road that some lorries need two goes at.
This is not the end. The expanding population will become ever more needful.
I went to Wells Cathedral yesterday. A lovely little City with a good high street. Just outside of Glastonbury there was another giant housing development. Someone quipped ‘Its the Lichfield overspill!’

8 months ago

So many people, so few amenities

8 months ago

I have lived here all my life, and in the last 20 years this once lovely city is being ruined by a council hell bent on building houses on every blade of grass is unrecognizable and sadly not for the better.

J Mitchell
8 months ago

We lived off Chesterfield Road for a number of years. When the Taylor Wimpey and Persimmon estates got underway we saw the south side of Lichfiled becoming extremely over populated for the road network and amenities. This was without the estate off Cricket Lane being added to the mix.
We chose to move out of the city and now live in one of the surrounding villages.
We initially moved to Lichfield in 2007 and have seen its small-town charm slowly eroded by poor council planning and hundreds of new homes.