The Birmingham Road multi-storey car park. Picture: Alex Davidson
The former Birmingham Road multi-storey car park. Picture: Alex Davidson

PROPOSALS for the temporary use of land where a multi-storey car park stood in Lichfield will be debated by councillors next week.

Members of Lichfield District Council’s planning committee will discuss the future of the plot of the now-demolished Birmingham Road facility.

The “temporary public realm” changes would see an amendment to previously approved proposals for the site which would have seen temporary retail units created.

A report to the committee said:

“The site has been allocated for a mixed-use development, and the site’s future uses anticipate mixed-use retail and residential development within the city centre.

“Consent was granted in 2023 to demolish the multi-storey car park and provide a temporary ‘meanwhile’ use comprising of 15 food/retail units and hard and soft landscaping.

“This application seeks changes to omit the temporary erection of 15 food/retail units and associated works, a reduction of hard landscaping and an increase in soft landscaping.”

The report has recommended the changes be given the green light by councillors.

“Overall, the scheme is considered appropriate and acceptable.”

The proposals will be discussed at a meeting on Monday (2nd September).

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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Ken H
1 month ago

You couldn’t make it up, it’s like Laurel and Hardy, now it’s gone what do we do now.
At least we might have grass this time, not a pile of rubble behind hoarding, as other end, that was Kennings garage, I hope
How much is all this costing us now, lost businesses, lost carparking, now there is not enough parking.

1 month ago

‘we couldn’t find anyone interested in leasing the garden shed ‘retail units’ so we are going to level the area and throw some grass seed on it’

1 month ago

Is this not just typical of our council? The original proposal seemed to make an unpopular decision more palatable. Now it is a fate accompli they just move the goalposts. They are disingenuous and not worthy of representation.

Alva Chadwick
1 month ago

Perhaps it could be a temporary car park to serve the precinct and the Garrick 🙄

Mrs P
1 month ago

What a complete shambles. I would love to know how much revenue has been lost since the multi storey closed. Honestly you couldn’t make it up.

Happy Jack
1 month ago

At least it will still be easier for bus and rail visitors to find the city centre when its all finished

1 month ago

Unbelievable or NOT! what another absolute shambles in destroying a perfectly good car park and well used at that and now not knowing what to do it. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Brewery and **** up come to mind.

1 month ago

It looks like the council have read my previous comment about slapping down some tarmac and turning the area into a money making carpark does that make me into a potential Councillor!! Whoow isthat all,it takes

Carl Sholl
1 month ago

Whatever the Council does next, it should leave the bus station alone. They’ve demolished one valuable public asset at great expense. Please don’t repeat the mistake with the bus station.

1 month ago

See they mention residential use so knock down a car park build houses

1 month ago

Its like the terrace chant at football games when the ref is having a stinker and the crowd start singing “You don’t know what you’re doing, you don’t know what you’re doing!”