PEOPLE are being asked for their views on plans for improvements to Chasewater.

It comes as Staffordshire County Council prepares to invest £18million in improving countryside spaces.

The plans for Chasewater would include upgrading existing facilities.

Cllr Victoria Wilson, Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture, said:

“Cannock Chase and Chasewater are such important parts of Staffordshire’s natural beauty and we want to make sure they stay protected while continuing to meet the needs of the people who use them.”

“Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor, your input will help us to shape their future, so these spaces can be enjoyed by everyone for years to come.”

To take part in the surveys or learn more about the engagement activities taking place, visit the Staffordshire County Council website.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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Cllr Sue Woodward
3 months ago

Yet another consultation, after the many consultations over the years? Why on earth doesn’t the County Council just listen, then act?

A Drewe
3 months ago

Cllr Woodward your comment is quite remarkable. When do any of you LDC Cllrs listen to us residents? Do we need to remind you over 400 residents told you we didn’t want our park destroyed for a leisure centre yet this week you turned it into a mud bath. Not once did any Cllr engage with us to discuss our concerns, especially your ward Cllr. You are all past your sell by date.

3 months ago

@ A Drewe – 10000 residents said they wanted a new leisure centre and last time I looked 10000 was greater than 400 so on this particular occasion I’d say LDC councillors did listen.

Carl Sholl
3 months ago

10,000 may have wanted a leisure centre, but not on Stychbrook Park. I’m sure most would have wanted it in the city centre where most people would be able to access it by public transport rather than the luxury flats now planned for the Birmingham Road site. If councillors listen to anyone, then it’s clearly not to residents but to the developers who will have been salivating over this site for years without any regard to what residents of Lichfield District actually want or need. I hope Chasewater has more protection from developers. Personally, I’d like to see the small boating lake brought back.

3 months ago

Realist is conflating two issues. We need a leisure centre
Stychbrook Park is the wrong place for it.