I hope it works out better than when they did Tamworth Street in Lichfield, it took all the sand out now it's a death trap Ken H
Cllr Ennis will be adding this to his list of ‘outstanding achievements’. Meanwhile the pub sits empty and derelict and the vacant plot almost directly over the road is a real eyesore. But at least the slabs are clean. Job done. Saddlers of the world unite
I am sure they mean what they say and they have good intentions but they won’t be getting my vote. I’ve had enough of this two party system and the silly ‘whataboutery’ between the two main factions. Meanwhile our local and national services are deteriorating. It annoys me how these councillors expect to do the same thing but get different results. We’ve heard it all before. Both locally and centrally Labours track record is just as bad as the Conservatives, if not worse. It is clear we need real change locally and nationally. Time to Reform. Saddlers of the world unite
“The proposed development does not comply with the Lichfield design code and impacts heritage assets.” And the thousands of new builds do ? The planners need to think before they allow the mass destruction of our inner and outer green spaces. Local Man
@Jolly Roger – your bill is broken down into sections. This article relates to the precept for LDC. You'll also see contributions to police, fire, parish and county council as well which makes up your overall bill. Lichfield Live
Does Lichfield city use ‘UK Shared Prosperity Fund’ to clean and maintain their streets? The same city Burntwood residents pay council tax too. It's about time Burntwood had improvements from that same pot for the benefit of the residents. Victoria
This area of Chase Terrace would look much better if someone would change the locks on the doors of the old Bill Stickers pub so to gain entry ,remove the window barriers, give it a tidy up and lick of paint and convert it into something of use. Anything would be an improvement on the tatty eyesore that the current "owners" have let it develop into. Scotto
In the nineties I worked at Olaf Johnstons and I'm certain that there was a few units on this land including a garage owned by someone called Harry who did the mechanics on our lorries so I'm sure this land wouldn't have had any unexploded munitions underneath so not sure what's going on here. Scotto
@Pete: Scapegoating minorities and promoting xenophobia are not untried solutions. They were tried in Germany in the 1930s and led to world war and extermination camps. Nigel Farage/UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform have already done enough damage to this country with Brexit and their attacks on the European Union, weakening Europe at a time when it is facing an existential threat from Russia. No problem for Nigel, who simply switched his propaganda shows from Russia Today to GB News. Reform is not offering solutions, it is offering chaos and destruction of democratic values. Don't be fooled into voting for them. Carl Sholl
I think that your maths might be wrong. Is it not £5 a month rather than £5 a year? Also, my house is band D and I pay more than £197 a month. Jolly Roger
At what point, and why, did this area need to use the 'UK Shared Prosperity Fund' just to have pavements jet washed? A spare fund requires accessing 'for a clean-up'… Seriously? DuncanDooley
Great that someone gave this a go in Lichfield and such a shame that it couldn't be sustained. Good luck with your next venture. Thargthemighty
There should be no surprise after the £770 per year increase in Employers National Insurance levied on Care workers by the Labour government, when 70% of the country councils costs are in the care sector. The employers NI increase is therefore being paid for by us all, through this and increased prices across the board to cover the NI cost increase for all companies. Ian
I am a parish councillo r. Every year I argue with other councillors who insist we have to put the precept up. Their argument is if we don't do it one year we will need to put it up higher the following year. Pamela
It will be interesting to see if Reform UK Limited candidates oppose the Climate Emergency policies of Staffordshire County Council and Lichfield District. Reform’s stated opposition to Net Zero will leave the UK reliant on imported natural gas rather than making way for British manufacturing is not very patriotic. In fact, some of the measures that Reform has pledged to introduce could actually increase energy costs in the short term! Their Deputy Leader, Richard Tice (who like Trump rejects the scientific consensus on the cause of climate change) has talked of a “generation tax” for renewable energy companies. This would… Steven Norman
Let me save the discussion. You're going to increase the amount you charge your residents and in return those residents are going to get a decrease in services. Sound about right? Cinema insider
That is sad to read. I have shopped there for over 50 years. Another small business bites the dust. Small businesses should be encouraged. My sympathy goes to the owners who obviously tried their utmost to keep the shop open. Jane Ullermayer
It is not a precept to habitually raise costs just because you can. Just wanting more money is no justification in situations where services are poorer. It adds to the ever growing burden to the financial pressures being felt in households. We are a cash cow without resistance or redress. By dividing the demands into different categories it enables each one to be increased individually. In the substantial fire near the station the fire brigade came from elsewhere because ours was closed! Typical of the services we are getting. Philip
Glad to read of those politicians who spread misinformation and told outright lies being condemned. Now that Starmer has been criticised for breaking promises, people will be equally loud in wanting to call for the heads of those liars who campaigned for Brexit. If not, why not? ProfessorPineapple
Starmer said on VIDEO " Not A penny more on council tax." Vote lying labour out in MAY Bythe
I wonder at the mentality of people who down tick on an article about the death of a popular local businessman who people obviously thought a lot of? Mrs H
May I congratulate Dean for achieving victory in the Stowe ward city council bye election. Now I know all the the objectors will talk me down, but surely we’ve reached the point where we need to give the reins to people with different untried solutions like Reform. All the old parties have literally run out of ideas or haven’t the courage to apply fixes to bring the UK to its feet Pete
Graham was a kind and generous man who saw the best in people. He gave me my first job as a teenager despite having no experience whatsoever other than I knew how to build and maintain bikes. He gave me a chance to prove myself when most employers would've just seen a young person with zero experience and promptly shown them the door. I wasn't the only one, around the turn of the millennium he employed several of us who desperately wanted to work in the shop because we were obsessed with bikes. We learned quickly from Graham about how… Alex
So many adults today who were brought up in Lichfield will have memories of getting their first bike from Graham. Such a lovely man who will be missed but always remembered. Kat
@Patrick Young, nothing to do with losing 6,000 litres of beer then! BigStephenS
Well done, LDC! That's put a smile on my face at a time when there isn't much to smile about. Mark Webster
@Patrick Young – the place seemed to operate on minimal staff and the statement itself makes no mention of NI being a significant factor in the decision – unless you know different of course. The loss of 6000 pints sounds like a massive hit to take, and the venue always seemed like a spring & summer location – but going there during autumn & winter is a different proposition. It's a sad loss for the Lichfield social scene whichever way you look at it. Herbert Hogwash
Oh goody! The honest people who always pay their taxes and behave themselves will end up as usual paying more and as always get less and an increasingly worse service from these self serving goons. Scotto
It's a shame to hear the demise of a local brewery, that being said. I never saw any of their ales sold in the local stores or pubs I go to. The phrase of use it or lose it keeps being mentioned but you need more encouragement in a competitive environment Beady Eye
Houses on Faraday Road will go from being located in a quiet cul de sac on the edge of the estate into being on a busy new thoroughfare into the proposed new estate. For all living on Faraday Road, this is wholly unacceptable. Lee Marvin
I've tried to report the missing tarmac around the numerous gully grids on Ryknild Street, Austincote Lane, but computer says NO! The roads are still horrendous
At the moment Lichfield & surrounding areas are having a lot of anti social behaviour problems , due to youth travelling to the area via trains , bus , as they disrupt our area then have easy access to vanish , they have no respect , Chris Wilkes
DD there for the grace of God anyone of us could need this type of help. John
Not sure who the 'Dave' is that @ Patrick young is writing about but any party led by Nigel Farage who supports an American leadership that dumps on UK, Europe and Ukraine while cosying up to Putin and his war criminals won't be getting my vote. Develop a backbone! BigStephenS
It's not about Dave, it's about the legions who helped put him there: people noticing what's wrong and not being afraid and *voting*, people volunteering to push leaflets through letterboxes, people forming local party infrastucture, microdonors/big donors putting their money where their mouth is and refusing to be cancelled, national politicians actually representing concerns of voters. Canary in the coal mine moment for the Uniparty (Labour=Conservative) and the out of touch elites who milk the country that they actually despise… Patrick young
So sorry to see the end of this great place , always so welcoming and good beer /food . Good luck in whatever you choose to do now . Gill Rice
Tragic! The coup de grace is employer contribution NI hike introduced by Rachel from accounts… Patrick young
This is a great shame. What'll become of 'Rub Me Tender'? DuncanDooley
Sorting out 14 years of economic mismanagement was never going to be popular for Labour in the short term. To make matters worse, now Nigel Farage's US friends are dumping on the UK and Europe. BigStephenS
Here we go again when are the “real police” ever going to appear ? I would love them to be seen in our community walking not simply driving around in their cars? As mentioned by others they simply don’t come out if their fortified bunker. Long have gone the days where you could walk into a police station and hand over a found item or speak to someone in person. Our money spent on their wages should be mean a visible presence 24/7 in our community’s. Local Man
Since Lord Fabricant left, Lichfield has been decimated. I am crying writing this. We need you Michel. Please come back! DuncanDooley
Simply unacceptable! Move them on out of Lichfield. DuncanDooley
These are just some of labours promises just before the GE , not to raise any taxes , compensating waspi's , cutting energy bills , protecting pensioners , protecting British farming , protecting any rises in council tax. Protecting our borders. The Prime Minister and the Chancellor have said judge us on our actions and results and it looks the people of lichfield are doing that. belleview
I wouldn’t disagree at all. We also have to remember it’s likely that the council will be abolished in the next 2-3 years anyway, so maybe now is the time to vote differently to how you normally do. Mr L
Sadly I do not say this often. Well Done LDC. A commendable project. Chris B
You won't find the professional beggars in Lichfield staying in this accommodation, however; they get back in the train with their spoils and head off to spend it elsewhere… Citizen Smith
Well done LDC on developing these units. I hope they will provide a safe space and a sense of dignity for the people using them and give them some breathing space to find a way out of homelessness. This initiative could be lifesaving for people in real need. Clare Sholl
Totally agree Ken the roads are shocking simply driving down into town your teeth rattle specially by the cathedral close and other roads are as bad; Purcell Avenue is like a minefield!!! Local Man
The only workable policy I could find in Farage's 'contract' aka manifesto for the GE was making St George's day a national holiday. Fantasy solutions are all they have. Jim
Lichvegas Baby couldn’t have put it better myself. I hope that the days of lazy, predictable, out of date, slow, cumbersome, policy obsessed, point scoring politicians and horrifically poor self serving local councils patting themselves on the back while providing inadequate public service over. Reform all the way. Saddlers of the world unite
This is a positive contribution to providing good standard temporary accommodation. However it is the provision of affordable permanent accommodation that will make the biggest impact to breaking the cycle of homelessness Cllr Farrell. David Thompson
Oh Steven grow up. Everyone knows that Lichfield City Council doesnt control health policy. Long live the disrupters and long may it kick failing politicians and their orthodox hangers on like you in the ballots. LichvegasBaby
This is not on the site where the house construction is. In fact the busy main roads make access quite difficult. I suppose it was part of the deal from the developers. It is a token of the far greater needs such large new housing sites need. It is sad that those pulling the strings in the planning department cannot see the damage they are doing. The mantra should be "No development without infrastructure and facilities." Too late for that now. Lichfield continues to slide into obscurity. Philip
I am. sorry, but if you think the roads are better now than last year, , I think we have got a problem, you must be traveling on different roads to me. After the last frost there are lots of potholes and if they don't get fixed, they will become major ones Ken H
Hopefully a thing to come up and down the country and get these Liebour clowns out! Now get things done instead of the waffle and also help locals that matter not the greedy or the freeloaders, time to use common sense and straight talking ! Scotty
I didn't realise Lichfield had so many morons that reform UK stood any chance of a seat Stephen
Why are there no complaints about about other MPs having other jobs such as being a gold bullion salesperson or hosting a regular programme on a TV propaganda station? Seems rather selective to reasonable people. ProfessorPineapple
This city is pathetic Cinema insider
Well done Reform, this is the shape of things to come our new MP was only voted in to get rid of MF Local Guy
Reform UK Party Limited, or at least their majority shareholder, Nigel Farage, told LBC recently that the French healthcare system could be a model for Britain’s NHS, appearing to back a move “where you pay in to effectively an insurance scheme.” So, it will be interesting see if Mr Farage’s representative in Lichfield argues for these changes locally over the coming months. Steven Norman
Hmmm…..seems those expensive jumpers don’t pay for themselves. Saddlers of the world unite
Could the 394 voters in Stowe share with us which of their human rights they are happy to give up on leaving the ECHR? And how much they’ll be willing to pay for a GP appointment when ‘free at the point of use’ is removed as a concept in the NHS? Oh – silly me – it’ll be even more difficult to see a GP when all the immigrants are driven out so the price will be irrelevant. Realist
Well done -made the effort to canvass and talk to people in the area, not just stick leaflets through the door. Good luck. Victor M
Anyone not sure why Dave Robertson MP does not resign his council seat? Ian
Not a fan of party politics at parish level but alas I think that with the end of the district council looming parish councils will become more political as they become effectively the local voice. Tom
how did labour manage to come second 😂 St John's C
Well done best of luck at the meetings ? Let's see some new ideas for our city ? Grumpy old man
How can that be an election only a quarter bothered to vote. Should become compulsory to vote and have option to cast a no vote. Peter Grove
The City Council was re-established in 1980 following 'letters patent' from the late Queen. It is effectively a parish council serving the city. As such it has limited power and to some extent plays a ceremonial role. While it is supposedly consulted by LDC on infrastructure and development policy it is rarely influential. I don't know if it will continue to exist following the unitary council implementation (we don't get a say in this! Democracy?!) later this year. It is likely a new county Lord Mayor with extended powers will take its place. This City Council election is probably short… Philip
A 6 week window for a change of this magnitude is ludicrously short, especially when no legislation has yet taken place in parliament to effect this foolish and anti-democratic change to our system of government. DAVID TITLEY
Meanwhile, the Premier Inn meets Lichfield's design code….mmm Emma
Bravo! Well done to all of the volunteers (including me) pushing leaflets through doors and exercising their democratic right to free speech on local social media. Politics is realigning away from the Uniparty (Labour & conservative) – what's the difference between them anyway? They all look the same to me! The next general election is where the real action will happen. I can't wait… Patrick young
i want less regulation of small businesses, not more. let the free market decide whether this nonsense is important to them. St John's C
None of this was in the Labour Manifesto and now they wabt it rushed through in 6 weeks. I wonder why they want rid of districts and counties and prefer urban focused unitary authorities? Curious. As for the "Lichfield District hasnt listened or done as i have wanted therefore abolish it" argument, i look forward to your total befuddlement when Lichfield is totally ignored in a super unitary authority and Mayor of Staffordshire based in Stoke. LichvegasBaby
Nice one council. Leave it abandoned for another 25 plus years then. I'm also curious to know about this 'city centre design code'. They'll allow several vape shops, complete redevelopment of the listed regal cinema (still vacant) and leave many shops to rot, but won't allow an abandoned building to be put into reuse. All because some old granny's don't like a smoking area? Nice one. Richard
The council are obviously happy with leaving this eyesore as it is They say the proposal is out of character with the surroundings. So a wreck is in keeping? David Williamd
That turned out well Dave. Robert
No mention of where the residents would park their vehicles ? Do they presume all the occupants will be pedestrians? Lol 😆 🤣 Grumpy old man
Typical of developer to want to maximise profits at expense of people's comfort. Come on 4 rentals above there? 2 maybe at a push. Get it open as a pub first….any takers in this climate? Ian
Patrick young – Water companies, utility companies and rail companies won’t raise their game if they know they will never have to compete. They will focus instead on their bonuses, share prices and silent quitting for an easy working day rather than doing their job and their duty to the service users… ProfessorPineapple
i can get behind this one! St John's C
Imagine living in a city centre amongst buildings that have been in situ for centuries and then complaining when a proposal to use those buildings for what they were built to do in the first place is submitted. It’s like living in the countryside and complaining of the smell of manure and the noise from a field of sheep. This building is a pub. Has been a pub for 100’s of years. So let’s use it as a pub. A pub where people also live. Folk have been living above pubs relatively unscathed for a very long time. Saddlers of the world unite
Local NHS, social services and councils won't raise their game if they know they will never have to compete. They will focus instead on their pensions, T&C's and silent quitting for an easy working day rather than doing their job and their duty to the service users… Patrick young
Why not have a question included, along with other votes, in the forthcoming local elections in May to ask the question: “Do you want to see LDC and Staffordshire county council abolished and replaced with a unitary authority?” At least this would encourage our trusted representatives to outline the pros and cons of replacing the current system (district and county councils) with a single unitary authority covering most of Staffordshire. Localvox
No matter the situation, I’d like someone to ask if this is legal. This is not what people are being asked if they want it but you’re having it without a vote. Does Westminster honestly believe this is the way to treat people. Bill
If no one else is going to say it I will… Lichfield residents will be worse off being grouped in with our poorer neighbours. We will end up paying in more than we recieve, as LDC has the highest proportion of high band properties in Staffordshire (F-H). Little Aston shouldn't have to subsidise Stoke-on-Trent for example. St John's C
If people think the current system doesn’t work, and that councillors don’t listen, then just imagine what will happen when the councillors making the decisions come from a very different area of the County, and have very little knowledge, or much care about Lichfield or what the people living there want. All of the people stating ‘it can’t get worse’ – I think it can get a lot worse, with very little prospect of it getting better. You may not think the current district council listens, but at least we as people living in the district have a better opportunity… DJN
The fact is this unitary concept works better for getting things done all over England now. I feel LDC lost the plot 10+ years ago especially with Friarsgate. I say bring this new council on asap Flossy
The counter argument is that, with a population of nearly 900,000 (2021 figures), Staffordshire can be split and decisions that are currently made in Stafford can be moved closer to home. Having Cannock, Rugeley, Burton, Tamworth and Lichfield merged and in charge of all services for the area might make a lot of sense. Realist
So Mr D Pullen is upset over disbanding local councils, I have been upset over LDC not listening to its residents. So I look forward to the future. John
So if a child is unfortunate enough to need to be taken into care for some reason, "a quiet, community-spirited residential area" is not the right environment for them? Where should children's homes be located? Areas with drug dealing and violence? Next to a busy road? In a red light district? In a high crime area? Children in care need care and do not deserve to be simply written off. This decision looks like the very worst kind of nimbyism. Clare Sholl
Yes but Heseltine wanted rid of DCs in 74 and then again in the 1990s only to get this kind of response. Business investors, firms, builders don't want to deal with a myriad of different organisations every 6/7 miles. You could argue Little Aston is Sutton concentric, Fazeley Tamworth and Stonall Aldridge. I would hardly call the boundaries well thought out. Helsaltine openly admits he looked at maps and flew in a light aircraft drawing lines and that today the process would have fallen foul of a judicial review. You can have local area planning sub committees within a Unitary… RFW
Doug Pullen, LDC rarely listen to local people anyway so I doubt they'll be much difference. Lichfield has deteriorated in various respects in recent years, particularly on the planning side with huge poor quality housing estates and flats popping up everywhere and a total lack of infrastructure to support. LDC is a weak organisation and I for one will not be particularly exercised if it's disbanded. Mia Peters
As our councillors pay scant regard to our opinions, I can only see this as a benefit to us residents. Alva Chadwick
When Dug Pullen says the present system has worked 'relatively well' that means is has worked relatively unwell too. I am sure many citizens of Lichfield bemoan the Districts deaf ear approach to local concerns. I was at one meeting when councillors declared a petition as outside their remit for consideration. Certainly, had the council been less party political we might have seen more equitable results. I do not like the new unitary proposals. It will create less obstructions for government proposals but do less for local concerns. But there was a time when local people were passionate about their… Philip
A wonderful thing. Well done to all involved. Stormwatch
I totally agree with Cllr. Pullen. AnnS
God forbid that society should help give a vulnerable children a stable life. Of course, children in 'normal' families are never anti-social………are they? AnnS
Another of the few remaining reasons to go to Lichfield is thus removed. I have visited this shop since I returned to Lichfield twenty-five years ago but, with diminished mobility, am now debarred by the Tamworth St. gauleiters from doing so by car, there being few parking spaces. Soon we shall have a city of charity and coffee shops only. Pity that. Hans Sachs
The shops up that end are struggling with the multi storey car park demolished and building work going on. The government piling more on with taxes and national insurance. They will not be the only shop closing. Will our new M P be there at the closing, as his government are closing shops down, like he was at celebrating 120 years trading, it only took them 6 months to do away with 120 years of trading Ken H