A REPORT has recommended that plans to convert barns at a former hotel into a wedding venue are approved.
Members of Lichfield District Council’s planning committee will debate the proposals at a meeting tomorrow (8th January).
The plans would also see other barns at the site converted into offices.
Objections have been raised by Swinfen and Packington Parish Council to the conversion of some of the buildings into a wedding venue due to the potential for noise disturbance for nearby homes.
But a planning officer’s report has recommended the scheme – which was resubmitted in order to address previous concerns over the impact on biodiversity – be approved.
They said:
“The existing four buildings on site are currently being used for storage. The sheds are constructed from steel pillars and trusses and have a corrugated iron roof.
“Some elevations of the sheds are filled in with concrete breeze blocks to create a wall. It could be argued that that it would not have a greater impact on Green Belt openness than the existing development and it is acknowledged that the proposed built form would be consistent with the siting of the existing agricultural units.
“Previously, there have been concerns over noise from events in barns which could disrupt local residents. However, the environmental health officer has requested a condition to be imposed upon the decision notice to ensure that measures are taken to help reduce the disruption.”
The application is the latest attempt to revamp for the listed Swinfen Hall Hotel.
An enforcement notice was previously served by Lichfield District Council after unauthorised works were carried out on the main building.
The planning committee meeting to discuss the barn conversion plans will be held at 6pm tomorrow.
What happened about the enforcement notice issued last year concerning unauthorized work at the hotel, was the unauthorized work stopped and the site returned to its original status?
@Richard Nelson – according to the planning documents on this, the outcome of an appeal has still to be determined.