Ballot box. Pic: Anthony Karanja
Ballot box. Pic: Anthony Karanja

As Lichfield and Burntwood voters prepare to go to the ballot box for the local elections on May 5, The Lichfield Blog has offered each of the candidates the chance to have their say.

We’ve sent out questionaires to all District Council candidates and will publish their responses on the site to help you decide where to put your cross on election day. If your local candidates haven’t responded yet, why not chase them?

Name: Sonia Wilcox
Party: Conservatives
Ward: Boney Hay
Occupation: Bank manager

What has made you decide to stand for election?
To represent residents and listen to their concerns and views and where possible be able to take these forward. To ensure the services currently enjoyed are where possible protected.

What are the key issues for you in your ward?
To continue to work with the District Council in delivering a New Shopping Centre for Burntwood and to work with the County Council in providing Health Facilities in Burntwood, and the continuation of promoting healthy living.

If you are elected how do you plan to keep your constituents informed of what you are doing to represent them?
By holding regular clinics within Boney Hay and also by setting up my own blog to communicate with the community.

How do you feel you will be able to make a difference to your constituents?
By listening and representing them and making sure actions taken do not adversely affect the facilities we enjoy at present. Making County Council aware of their responsibility around Public Transport which is so vital to our more senior residents.

Anything else you would like to add?
Your Conservative led Council over the past four years have delivered on Job creation in encouraging new business into the District as well as having to deal with a reduction in grant of some 27% and yet have made considerable savings and if re-elected will continue to look at other areas such as shared services which have proven so successful during the past few years, and where appropriate protect key front line services which we all enjoy.

If elected I would endeavour to do all I could to make the residents of Boney Hay proud of me.

Also standing in the Boney Hay ward (once they have responded, these will link to the response):

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.