A meeting of the Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel has been moved online because of coronavirus.

The session will see Commissioner Matthew Ellis giving updates from 2pm tomorrow (13th July).

Matthew Ellis
Matthew Ellis

Among the topics up for debate are the challenges caused by COVID-19.

“This is about being open, honest and transparent, so our communities can have confidence in the service delivered by police and fire and rescue here.

“The pandemic has meant we’re having to do things differently, but it’s more important than ever in these challenging times that people have the opportunity to ask questions and keep up to date on key issues. 

“The panel plays an important role in scrutinising decisions I make, and supporting the development of plans for both services, to ensure they provide the best outcomes for the people of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.”

Matthew Ellis

Panel members include representatives from each of the principal local authorities in the county, together with two independent members.

People can follow the meeting online.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.