Queen's Croft High School sign

A school in Lichfield has been described as “rapidly improving” by inspectors.

Ofsted visited Queen’s Croft High School in February and have now released their final report.

It reveals that the school, which is part of the Primitas Learning Partnership, has been rated as good.

A report said:

“This is a rapidly improving school where staff are caring and compassionate.

“Prior to joining Queen’s Croft, many pupils have not had a positive experience of school. Leaders understand this and are committed to changing this situation for pupils.

“Increasingly, and over time, pupils develop into confident and resilient young people, who are suitably prepared for life after school.

“Recently, leaders have begun to pay closer attention to pupils’ individual needs and build a coherent picture of the help and support pupils need to be successful. Staff use this knowledge to good effect to meet pupils’ academic and therapeutic needs.”

Ofsted report

Inspectors added that co-headteachers Letita Carter and Sam Wood had laid out ambitious plans for the school.

“The co-headteachers, supported by their leadership team, are steering the school through a period of significant instability. They are taking the right steps, in the right order, to secure improvement across the school.

“Staff are committed to the headteachers’ ambitious vision. They share a clear sense of pride in being part of the community that leaders have been careful to restore.

“At times in the past, the relationship between some parents and the school broke down. Leaders are rightly continuing their work to reengage all parents and rebuild trust between all parties.”

Ofsted report

The full report can be read on the Ofsted website.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.