Eddie Hughes
Eddie Hughes

A Conservative candidate says voters need to consider the need for a strong local voice with Labour poised for a “supermajority” at the General Election.

Eddie Hughes will be among the hopefuls in the Tamworth constituency – which covers areas such as Shenstone, Stonnall and Fazeley – on 4th July.

The Tory candidate said Labour was on course for huge national gains, but believes the local battle will be a tight one.

“The polls are clear – it’s a two-horse race in Tamworth and the villages between me and Labour.

“With Keir Starmer on track for a supermajority nationally, we need a local Conservative voice in Parliament to hold the left to account.

“There is no doubt that this election is extremely close between me and Labour. A vote for any other party will let Labour in.

“A vote for me is a vote for a local champion who will stand up for Tamworth and the villages, and our priorities. 

“So, this is my commitment to local residents – no matter who’s in power in Westminster, I will always be your voice, I will always stand up for our values, and I will always get things done for our area.”

Eddie Hughes

Mr Hughes, who previously held the Walsall North seat which has disappeared at this election due to boundary changes, said he had a track record voters could count on.

“I’ve worked with local people to make a real difference and have met hundreds of people, community organisations and businesses. Our amazing communities deserve a representative who will put them on the map, promote our rich heritage and focus on what matters to you and your family.

“As an experienced MP in the West Midlands, I know how to get the most out of Westminster to benefit local people. I will work hard and be persistent to get the best outcomes for our communities.

“In my former constituency, I successfully secured £36million for vital healthcare. I will do the same for Tamworth and the villages to get the investment we need.”

Eddie Hughes

The candidates contesting the Tamworth constituency are:

  • Robert Bilcliff – UKIP
  • Ian Cooper – Reform UK
  • Sarah Edwards – Labour
  • Adam Goodfellow – Workers Party
  • Susan Howarth – Green Party
  • Eddie Hughes – Conservatives
  • Jed Marson – Liberal Democrats

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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2 days ago

With regret you are in Picher’s shadow, & whilst Pincher is not your personal fault your Party Management of his saga means I will vote for Sarah. Labour voters like many others as you readily admit will mean change. The negative campaign from your party has hindered your potential too.

2 days ago

Don’t believe the nonsense of this bloke. He claims he got £36m for healthcare. The truth of the matter was that the money (£36m) for the new A&E at Walsall Manor Hospital was already allocated in the NHS Capital projects budget. Hughes launched a campaign pretending to campaign for a new A&E when he knew full well it was a done deal already as the 1990 A&E was life expired. FOI reveal this. Unfortunately his voters in Walsall bought his spin, hook, line and sinker. A one way BET for that campaign.

He did similar tricks with Junction 10 of the M6, railway stations and various new housing estates. Yes he is favour of those. Don’t fall for his tricks.

Carl Sholl
1 day ago

I’m sure Sarah Edwards will be a strong local voice for Tamworth, with the added advantage of being on the Government side, so they’ll listen to her. Not just a lonely voice ranting from the sidelines.

Steven Norman
1 day ago

I was about to say what Carl Sholl has said. Of course you are more likely to be listened to on a non-party political basis simply because you’re in the same party. An opposition member’s views should not be dismissed but that is far more likely in Parliament than in local government. Sarah Edwards has been a refreshing voice for Tamworth and is not a member of a party that has been an embarrassment to one of its great reformers – her predecessor SirRobert Peel.