Burntwood Library
Burntwood Library

People looking for information on local services or support to dealing with the cost of living crisis are being urged to seek help from local community help points.

Located in libraries, they offer information and resources on everything from how to use the internet to find information to accessing befriending services.

Referrals are made by staff at Staffordshire County Council as well as local social work teams, and people can also refer themselves or others directly to individual help points. 

Cllr Victoria Wilson, cabinet member for communities and culture at the county council, said:

“Our community help points have been a lifeline for many people across Staffordshire. 

“This project has always been about connecting residents to their communities and support available locally. 

“If you know someone who isn’t online but would benefit from speaking to someone, please direct them to a local community help point for advice and support.” 

Cllr Victoria Wilson, Staffordshire County Council

A full list of community help points can be found on Staffordshire County Council’s website

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.