Cllr Doug Pullen
Cllr Doug Pullen

PROPOSALS to build more than 750 new homes a year across Lichfield and Burntwood are “simply unsustainable”, a council leader has said.

The government has put forward plans which could see the number of developments in the district rocket by around 160%.

It would mean the previous target of 289 new properties a year would increase to 753.

But Cllr Doug Pullen, Conservative leader of Lichfield District Council, said the numbers being put forward would have a huge impact on local communities – and branded the rate of building as “simply unsustainable”.

“Last year we withdrew our Local Plan to stop further urban sprawl and to focus on new settlements – but this new direction from the government has pulled the rug from underneath our feet.

“We know that creating communities in our district is important. Young families should be able to get on the housing ladder near to the communities they grew up in, but such a drastic increase will create real challenges for Lichfield District and feels simply unsustainable.

“We will fight this diktat directly with government – hopefully with the support of our two MPs – and do everything we can to ensure we build out brownfield first, followed by new settlements with the appropriate infrastructure.

“Birmingham City Council have been told they can build 2,200 houses less a year, but Lichfield must build 460 more a year – it’s absolutely sickening”.

Cllr Pullen said that importance also needed to be placed on the standard of properties built.

“While Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has removed the reference to building ‘beautiful’ homes and is removing our ability to stop developments that are ‘out of character’ with the area, we will bring in our own local design code to ensure this requirement is maintained locally.”

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.

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7 months ago

Yes but the fools of Burntwood and Lichfield voted in Labour so this is what they get. More houses, higher tax and higher levels of illegal immigration.

What do they expect
7 months ago

Great comment from Doug…..let’s see if our local and new MP does indeed agree with the leader of LDC and will challenge his Deputy PM on this. Somehow I suspect Dave will tow the party line… and that it turns out that voting for the ‘nice well meaning local bloke’ might not be all that it cracked up to be….time will tell.

Mark Webster
7 months ago

We need more homes, even in Lichfield. Especially affordable homes to buy, and social housing at affordable rents.

We need ambitious talented local politicians to meet the target set by the elected government, not to oppose it in a knee jerk reaction.

Lichfield should lead with a unique solution: ensure developments are sustainable, solar panels on every roof, compel developers to make contributions to education, health and transport. Approve developments that respect the heritage of the area, but which also innovate and make the built environment of Lichfield an interesting blend.

This won’t be achieved by adopting a “style guide” produced by a London based consultancy with ties to Legatum.

Fed Up Resident
7 months ago

Hilarious. The tories are moaning about a former Tory policy here . They for example allowed the current housing developments in lichfield to be built .

Lichfield tories supported a house building attack never seen before in Lichfield all under the control of tories and now low and behold they are now against housing. This is the party of home ownership they say.

You had 14 years to provide lichfield with appropriate infrastructure and you didn’t you spaffed any money you got on wasted vanity projects

Let’s be clear here nobody is going to take a lesson from tories after 14 years of absolute tosh , the party that thought Fabricant was a good MP . Sorry Lichfield tories you cannot be taken seriously anymore. Just wished we had local elections so we could get rid of you all and start sorting out the mess you have made of lichfield

Steven Norman
7 months ago

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The Leader of Lichfield District Council is now going to involve local MPs? But he never involved them before despite the cuts in the council budget, the cuts in police numbers, HS2 through the district – to nowhere, and the lack of infrastructure for all the housing development we’ve had.

That is how it’s going to be is it, despite Lichfield Constituency’s rejection of their Conservative candidates.


7 months ago

“Affordable homes to buy” — utter tripe. What a blatant contradiction. Purchasing newly built can never be as “affordable” as the vast array of other tiers within the property market, so why constantly tout this idealistic drum banging. Who wants that millstone ? Purchasers blessed with a modicum of realism have always found a purposeful route through the cascades of home ownership opportunities, both in type and locality. so banging on about including “affordable homes” on new site approvals is a vacuous clamour.
There’s already a huge swathe of newly built “Affordable Homes” sitting unused on estates around the country that social housing providers haven’t got the budgets to take off the hands of the developers. Firstly, let’s force the Government to solve that conundrum, otherwise “Affordable Homes” will continue to be vacuous claptrap.

Ian Jones
7 months ago

Cllr Pullen is spot on here, people are now starting to see the “change” they have voted for…

This will only be the start.

Norman missing the point
7 months ago

@Steve Norman… what point are Labour going to stop referring to the previous governments actions and what they did or didn’t do? Labour wanted the power they now have so they’d better get on with the job if they want to retain it. You’re in the chair now so time to shut up and deliver. You will be judged on what you do now, not what the Tories did 14 years ago.

Jack Jones
7 months ago

I have to agree with councillor Pullan
He is absolutely right to try and build this many houses is not possible.
Even developers have tried to explain to this new Labour government that it is not possible to build this many homes up and down the country.
Councillor Pullan is not trying to score political points it’s Councillor Sue Woodward and her Colleague councillor Colin Ball trying to score political points like they always do.
As regards our new member of parliament
He won’t say a word because he will have to tow the party line.

No you're missing the point.
7 months ago

@Norman missing the point, I really hope they don’t stop referring to the previous government’s errors. They should be remembered and learnt from. 14 years of profiteering, scandals, and lies isn’t to be swept under the carpet. These people, both current and previous, have to be held accountable.

2 months ago

I wished people would stop bickering which or who voted either way . It’s pathetic and childish. It is abundantly clear the younger generation are being treated like fools. Realistic and simple simple fact of housing needs to be addressed once and for all . We cannot sustain anymore people coming here for a free ride on the tax payers . There are hundreds of thousands of young people in the Uk will never afford to buy a home of their own . House and look after our own before we get into point where we run out of money and get more in debt with higher taxes . It is because of the constant bickering , slander campaigns and political rhetoric is the reason why we’re in this mess .