A derelict factory unit in Shenstone is set to be demolished.

The owners of the former  Ash and Lacy Pressings Ltd site have submitted a planning application to Lichfield District Council to demolish the buildings on Lynn Lane.

They say “ongoing security issues” mean the site – which has been vacant since 2011 – needs to go.

“The site has been the subject of regular security incidents, vandalism and metal theft notwithstanding the efforts of the landlord to maintain a secure environment,” a statement supporting the application said.

“This year in the month of June alone, several separate security incidents were logged. The combination of burglaries have resulted in breaches to the wire security fence, broken locks from forced entry, damage to the building panel façade and theft of radiators, boilers and cable.

“On numerous occasions the dedicated security provider for the site have called out the local police force following break-ins. However, the time, energy and manpower that goes into these reports is neither reflected by the apprehension of criminals or the prevention of crime.

“Few call-outs have resulted in arrests or convictions and acts of criminality at the site continue.

“Indeed, the ongoing issues on site are a nuisance and concern for neighbouring businesses and residents, attracting unsavoury and anti-social behaviour to the area.”

Full details of the plan for demolition can be seen on Lichfield District Council’s planning website.

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.