Michael Fabricant
Michael Fabricant

Lichfield MP Michael Fabricant has been paying tribute to the city’s volunteers.

The Conservative MP was one of 50 politicians who gathered at a House of Commons event organised by Volunteering England and joined volunteers from across Burntwood and Lichfield in Market Square recently.

Mr Fabricant said:

“I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who gives their time for the benefit of our community. Volunteers’ Week was an ideal time to recognise the amazing contribution volunteers make and I’d like to encourage more people to get involved where they can. With volunteering there’s something for everyone – whether it’s mentoring young people, supporting the elderly or campaigning on local issues. It’s a great way to meet people and make a real difference to other peoples’ lives.”

Justin Davis Smith, Chief Executive of Volunteering England, added:

“I am pleased to see that Michael and so many other MPs recognise the importance of volunteering and have taken the time to thank the volunteers in their local communities. The country faces many challenges in the current economic climate and volunteering will have a central role to play in ensuring that we emerge stronger and more resilient.”

Founder of Lichfield Live and editor of the site.